sexta-feira, 6 de março de 2009

Racism, was born as.

Racism is in Western culture, linked to certain conceptions of human nature which justify the discrimination of human beings in order to operate.

By the end of the Middle Ages (XV century), the discrimination was based on two types of arguments: those based on culture and social support provided.

The Greeks are mainly supported the first type of arguments. They felt superior in relation to other people because they were more educated.

During the Roman Empire and Middle Ages, preponderam discrimination based on social condition. The nobles in the Middle Ages, for example, were recognized as superior in relation to other social groups, because they enjoyed certain privileges which they had inherited or been assigned by a King These and other privileges established a hierarchy between human beings, so that some were recognized as superior to others.

quinta-feira, 5 de março de 2009


Emigration is the act of leaving one's native country or region to settle in another. It is the same as immigration but from the perspective of the country of origin. Human movement before the establishment of state boundaries or within one state, is termed migration. There are many reasons why people might choose to emigrate.

Reasons for emigration:
- Political

- Economic

- Personal

The Refugee

Refugee is a person what owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion, is outside the country of their nationality, and is unable to or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail him/herself of the protection of that country.

segunda-feira, 2 de março de 2009

The most frequent type of racism.

Colorism is a form of discrimination in which human beings are accorded differing social and treatment based on skin color. The preference often gets translated into economic status because of opportunities for work. Colorism can be found across the world. The term is generally used for the phenomenon of people discriminating within their own ethnic groups. Often, in countries where the majority group are in control, websites and other locations for researching this issue, distort the facts and portray the main culprits to be the minorities ( Black against white colorism, etc).

What is Racism?

Racism it may be defined as the hatred of one person by another -- or the belief that another person is less than human -- because of skin color, language, customs, place of birth or any factor that supposedly reveals the basic nature of that person. It has influenced wars, slavery, the formation of nations, and legal codes.

domingo, 1 de março de 2009


Xenophobia is the fear that the human being normally has to what it is different (for this individual). Xenophobia is also a psychiatric riot to the extreme and uncontrolled fear to the different stranger or. Xenophobia is still used in an ample direction mentioning any form to it of preconception, racial, group (of minority groups) or cultural. Although widely accepted, this meaning generates confusions, associating xenophobia the preconceptions, leading to believe that any preconception is a phobia.

Difference between emigration and immigration

It's call emigration to the spontaneous act to leave the residence local to stabilish it in another region or nation.

It's considered the imigration a movement of entry, with the permanet spirit or /with temporary a intention of work and/ or residence, of people or population, from a country to another.

Racism in Football

In the Europe, and now in Brazil, the manifestations of carácter racist against black players have been each time more frequent. In Spain, the adepts of the Athletical one of Madrid had shot a banana in the area of the keep-nets black of equip adversary. Also in Spain the adepts of the Zaragoza to sing racist songs against Advanced of Barcelona Samuel Eto'o.
The player threatened to leave the game and its friend, Ronaldinho Gaucho, also affirmed that he preferred to finish the game to play in those conditions. The other players and tie the proper one decide had convinced in continuing. The game continued, having Barcelona profit 2-0.

Racism in Portugal

Although Portugal to be considered “a country of brandos customs”, racism existed and still it continues to exist in our country. Although regular and constant acts of violence against the minorities are not regist that inhabit in Portugal, it is certain that, here and there, they go appearing small focos of ethnic-racial conflicts, with greater or minor gravity. It is certain that the time of the settling and the colonialism already a certain aversion to the minorities goes far but still subsiste in the Portuguese people, in particular in relation to the African and gypsis communities that inhabit in Portugal. Since the decade of 1980 that Portugal started to be an important destination of immigrants. The Africans had arrived Portugal in great number, search of better conditions of life and to run away from the permanent situations of war in Africa. Although very evident manifestations of racism against the Africans in Portugal not to exist, are vulgar to observe eminently racist social attitudes. To a extremist level, we can make reference to reference the prompt registers of conflicts with ciganas etnias, some of them with serious consequências, and to the sprouting of a movement skinhead in Portugal, even so of small dimensions. Although the Portuguese Constitution does not allow the creation of extreme-right organizations, the extreme-nationalists skinheads had obtained to join themselves of form to create its proper movement in Portugal. From the decade of 1990, they had started to infiltrate itself in claques porting, trying to pass its racist message through the social medias. They are, general rule, main the intervening ones in racial conflicts in our country. As more serious example, we have the homicide of a young black in Lisbon in 1995. We cannot, therefore, say that Portugal is a racist country. We can yes affirm that still some preconception exists face to the ethnic minorities in the mind of many Portuguese.


Belief according to which the capacities human beings is determined by the race or ethnic group, many times express in the form of an affirmation of superiority of a race or group on the others. It can be disclosed as discrimination, violence or verbal abuse.